Subject: Little Known Undocumented Facts Author: Unknown Uploaded By: JLeslie914 Date: 11/11/1996 File: AOLUPLD1.TXT (4738 bytes) Estimated Download Time (25094 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 67 Equipment: any platform Needs: plain text, 1200 words WORDCOUNT: xMed INTEREST LEVEL: xAll "Little Known Undocumented Facts About Disk Care" is reprinted from the Tampa Bay Computer Society-Bits&Bytes, November 1995. It is a great instructional "tongue-in-cheek" article for your newsletter. A superguide for all neophytes who at times feel overwhelmed when confronted with the do's and don'ts about drives and disks, care, hygiene, compression, and more. Humorous.